Lemon Honey & Tea
Lemon and Honey Tea is an exercise we used to help you detect the spiritual and mental health within you. Stop believing you have to primarily ask someone else about you. Yourself and God are your primary go to in discovering your internal details. We will use these images to help you explore your behaviors..
Look at the images and video what image/images do you see?
(these images will change periodically).
Here's how it works
1. Relate the first glance to your life.
2. Close your eyes and depict another image you see as the video plays.
3. Close your eyes for 5 seconds and depict another image.
4. Look away and describe this image again to yourself.
5. At this time think about the image you have described to yourself , what do you see about yourself? What is the description and condition of your life?
Some may need 2 tries some may need 4. Neither attempts are wrong. Neither answers are wrong.
What you see is what you are discovering about the condition of your soul and how you think.
You are not taking God place in your life by demonstrating this exercise in your life because it is your responsibility to be a conscious person and make healthy decisions for your soul daily.
This test is best exercised if you have a sense of integrity, and self awareness of yourself. But all should take the test you will be enlightened. This cannot be compared to cultural research about yoursself. This is primary research about your concious and unconsious behaviors.