Ministry in Action
Self Control
2 Timothy 1:7 says,
“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” With the Holy Spirit inside of us, we are able to possess self-control and demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit. As a result, we can live in a way that is honorable to God
7 Scenarios 7 Ways to Improve Yourself
Disclaimer: These negative spirits are irregardless of age, race, gender, economics, education, nor societal preference.
The Perfectionist Spirit
The spots and imperfections are hiding a bigger area in your life. You essentially dont feel good enough in life but you are. The devil made you believe you can do everything perfect which is a lie; there will always be one more thing to fix. You have the abilitly to do your best in every situation.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder feel they are unable to control themself therefore they want to control things externally.
Perfectionist Spirits are seen in many disorders of unhealthy control.
The Violent Spirit
Look at your adult self with responsibility.
Tussling on the ground in the public like your in the sandbox in the playground. Yes you may be having a bad day. But adults control their emotions. This is not the behavior of adults but it is clearly. You have a responsibility as a Christian and adult to not feed your flesh. There are other options to handle confrontations. It is difficult but not as difficult when comparing consequences that can change your life forever. As a Christian you have more self control than you think .
The Domestic Violence Spirit
This is violent behavior that is beyond boundaries.
This is extreme behavior.
This is always unacceptable behavior as adult.
Adults have many words and strategies to have conversations during a conflict. This should never be one of them. Arguments occur because one person is forcing the other to believe in their opinion and the person disagrees while ignoring the other persons
belief. As a Christian it is your everyday responsibility to always choose the best decision even if it means allowing each other space to think.
The Wastful Spirit
How many items in your closet and shelf right now that you have not worn , nor looked at ??
Many items.
You should buy things for yourself and others.
Purchasing items you dont need can also manuever you into the wrong path that day, week, month , and year. In many ways wasteful spending can hinder your life even when having plenty. A Chrisitian does not waste good resources just because you can.
The Gossip Spirit
When exploring another persons information you will never have an accurate understanding. The reason people do things that do not make sense to your thoughts. Your also invading someone else privacy. You will be responsible for replying the story.
Allow everyone their right to healthy privacy. When its your turn you will hope for healthy privacy too.